found a share of difficulty lolminer


GDDR6X customer GPUs, most professional and server GPUs and so on. Consider a 6 card rig with --dualdevices 4,5 --maxdualimpact 0,0,*,*,*,* This can resolve issues with defect shares that appeared in 1.34 or earlier with start of epoch 450. Fixed a bug with --compactaccept not showing the * sign on short statistics. Therefore the crashed card detection now allows three different options to proceed with a crashed card or driver: --watchdog off The tuning will need about 30 seconds per card in the rig to show first results. #108. Added detection of pool not accepting worker name in format when using ETHPROXY stratum. Performance increases by 7-11% on epoch 393 (--4g-alloc-size 4080 on a RX 580. The archives for ZIL example files now contain examples how to bypass the ZIL pools. Added Ethash + Alephium dual mining mode analogous to existing Ethash + Ton mode. They will continue on the secondary connection and do not switch. Added experimental workaround for mining epoch 385+ with RX 470 - 590 and Linux kernel 5.6.x: Note this fix will deactivate the ZIL cache ability and force the miner to create DAG a bit slower. This results in a Share Target of ( 1 / 1,000,000) = 0.0000010000 The miner. Default ethstratum changed from ETHV1 to ETHPROXY for better pool compatibility. Note on Watchdog use Improved Ethash performance on Turing based graphic cards (GTX 16 series, RTX 20 series, lower tier CMP cards) by about 0.4 to 0.7%. Fixed bug: Miner causing invalid shares on 4G cards on some systems (mostly Linux), Fixed bug: Miner hangs up when changing epoch when using the ZIL cache feature. Sorting out driver issues ;), Notes: Added 2 more epochs on Ergo for 3G AMD GPUs. Added support the BEAM hard fork on block 321321 (approx Aug15th). Maxing out will give more epochs of mining & better Zombie mode performance, lower values may improve compatibility. When a pool requests a re-connection, the miner will now do so immediately instead of waiting 1 second and no longer say the connection got "lost". Slight changes to LHR unlocker to improve the unlocker stability. It is more stable now. The LHR unlock will start about 30 seconds after the miner did start, giving room for running the DAG generation with delayed OC. Fixed benchmark mode not starting up when called from json type configuration. This will allow to point different GPUs to different pools. A high pool difficulty is for high power mining equipment. lolMiner 1.22 - 1.24 are Linux only releases that targets improvements of the performance of the zombie mode in the Linux specific code. Moved more fee pools to use TLS connection. See 4G_Windows_Readme.txt for configuring it. An other performance improvement of Flux mining on Ampere based GPUs (1.5 - 3.5% depending on model and clocks), Fixed a bug causing some Ergo pools to disconnect the miner frequently (Introduced with 1.56 :/ ), Major performance increase for Flux mining on Nvidia Ampere GPUs, Major performance increase for Beam mining on Nvidia Ampere GPUs, Mining Flux and Beam on all Nvidia GPUs now uses Cuda instead of OpenCL, Slight performance improvements for Flux mining on AMD RX 500, RX 5000 and RX 6000 (about 0.2 it/s), Mining any Equihash based coin (Flux, BTG, Aion, ) now supports extra nonce subscription via stratum (e.g. We set it at 64M for the test pool, which is 136x lower so that we get a lot of shares and don't have to keep the experiment running for months. Minor LHR unlocker stability improvements. Enabling Equihash 144/5 and Equihash 192/7 will now also support --pers auto instead of capital --pers AUTO for enabling pool automatic selection. Ergo: Adjusted all codes mining Autolykos v2 to be ready for the epoch 1 and higher, starting Sunday Nov 7th ~8 am UTC. Default is on for all AMD GPUs except GCN1 and Vega generations - those were more stable with the option turned off. Extended working range of 100% LHR unlocker to 470 and 472 drivers. New job received: 1 Difficulty 100 pool sent a job for video cards; GPU 4: Submitting to share Share accepted (35 ms) - the first ball is accepted (share of work). Added option to mix different Ethash style algorithms when using the fail-over pool function. Added Aeternity Cuckoo 29 & Grin Cuckatoo 32 kernels for RX 6600 and RX 6700 series GPUs. Fixed bug: Miner crashes when mixing TLS and non-TLS pools for fail-over. Removed: Support for mining Ton in single and dual mining modes. These are default in Windows and on RTX 3080 on Linux, other cards can request this kernels by using --lhrtune wauto or wTuneNumber in case the default is unstable. Both kernel modes need less energy and perform better then in 1.24a, Reduced internal latency for less stale shares, Reduced CPU load when mining with Nvidia cards, lolMiner works now without OpenCL driver installed, In case of mixed rigs AMD GPUs will use OpenCL while Nvidia cards use Cuda, ZIL cache feature fully supported (and stable), Temperature stop & Zombie mode is currently not supported, Added Ethash, Beam Hash III, Grin Cuckatoo 32 and Cortex kernels for RX 6700, The Ethash stratum interface will now try to run up to three attempts of reconnecting before switching the stratum mode. Significantly improved the Ton performance in Eth+Ton dual mining for all supported GPUs. Added Kaspa only mining mode for Nvidia Pascal and new and AMD Polaris, Navi and Big Navi. If a pool used a difficulty equal to the block difficulty then only one share would be found per block and it would be found by the miner who solves the block. Added reading of junction temperature and memory temperature for Nvidia GPUs for drivers 515 or newer. Miners that do not have a card using the zombie mode can safely ignore this update - it will behave identical to 1.21. Fixed bug: Cards may crash when switching from ZIL cache back to normal mining. Added experimental Ethash + Ton dual mining kernels for Nvidia Pascal generation GPUs. Improved Nexa performance on 8G Nvidia Ampere gpus by approximately 1.5% when memory is not locked and ~3% on locked memory (5000). The 460 series drivers might perform up to 0.5% worse. Improved Ironfish mining speed by 4-5% on all supported GPUs. Some cards might need a bit more core clock to achieve the used performance. Note that existing dual mining configurations will automatically launch Eth / Etc / Ubiq only mode, so existing configurations will not be broken. The core offset used for the GPUs. Added 16 GByte solver for Cuckatoo-31 (GRIN). --watchdog exit Also. Added --zombie-tune parameter for Polaris GPUs. From v1.53 If the pool share latency is above this value and failover pools are configured, the miner will terminate the connection and connect to the next failover pool (at the earliest after 10 shares on the active connection). So that it is defined as not an LHR card. 1.32a: Fixed --mode LHR1 not starting in unlocked state on many systems. A git repository for lolMiner release versions, To see some basic configuration examples, see here:, Improved performance of Nexa on Nvidia Turing and newer by 2-5% depending on model, Improved performance of Nexa on AMD cards by 0.5 - 1.5% depending on model, All GPUs on Nexa and Nvidia GPUs on Kaspa now do a clean shutdown once hitting ctrl+c - that should prevent issues and crashing when exiting / resetting oc, Enabling reading of GPU junction temperature ( and memory temperature on Nvidia GDDR6x GPUs) on Nvidia 530 drivers or newer, Windows: updated the oc gui with added AMD overclock functionality. It is an optimal value to maximize the number of shares and make sure that mining software handles the load and the processor doesn't slow . This will result in a minimally lower displayed hash rate, but higher pool side hash. Ethash: Fixed a bug some crashed Nvidia cards did not trigger the watchdog, Ethash: Fixed a bug causing the worker name not to be correctly passed to the pool in some cases in 1.34(a). sparkpool). Improved LHR performance for 3060 V1 (GA106-300-A1) on older drivers (460.39 and earlier). The core clock used for the GPUs. Improved Kaspa performance in Kaspa only mining mode by 0.6 to 1.2% on Nvidia GPUs and 0.4-0.5% on AMD (Big) Navi GPUs at approximately same power draw. Use --dualmode KASPADUAL to select it. Values given to --dualfactor parameter will now be value checked and rounded / capped to working values. Cards are separated with a comma. (2) Feel free to discuss good tuning values in the discussion section of this release page. This means that by default one minute after the DAG was created the cards now get "protected" from further detection. The total process takes 3-4 minutes total, one with rather low speed and the remaining time with speed closer to the final value. Nvidia cards on Ethash now pause when the stratum reports no current work (e.g. Updated WebUI with a lot of fancy redesign :). With this option the miner will call an external script (default path is current working directory and there / .bat), which can be configured with --watchdogscript. Use --help-format to get an overview of available fields. b) For mining an other algorithm with your 4G cards: Note 2: memory locking on Ada gpus is only recommended if the core clock is locked as well and not maxed out - on high core clock in combination with memory locked to 5000 the performance will struggle due to worse memory timings. Pitcairn GPUs (HD 7850, R9 270, R9 270) still need a new kernel for Ergo. At the end it will report the configuration in case you want to use the configuration again. Support unlock LHR over +85% in 3060v1 in Linux. A lot of internal re-structuring and fixes. Specify which script to be executed when a hung GPU is detected. Changes LHR tuning algorithm to minimize the number of locks & time for finding a stable value: The tuning might be improved by the miner later once stable for long enough time. For terminals that do not have rgb colors (e.g. 100% LHR unlock on LHR V1 and V2 GPUs. In the beginning the miner will calibrate to your exact core & memory clocks. Tuning advice: On Nvidia Turing and Ampere GPUs this algorithm works best when locking the core clock to desired value (higher gives more performance, lower reduces power draw). So the average consumption can still expected to be rather low. In case the miner will detect defect entries, the CPU will try to fix this. This solves issues with unstable proxy forwarding e.g. The performance of other generations may vary, but certainly improve the next versions. Here -1 stands for the cards default, 0 is off, 1 is on. (c) In case the miner does not start on older cards, try to increase --keepfree slightly. Fees are equal to Nvidia and AMD GPUs on the corresponding algorithms. Each timeout event contributes to the counter that will trigger switching to fail-over pools. Updated WebUI for Nexa mining and more pools to support. Significantly reduced Ethash power draw on Navi GPUs, Slightly improved performance of 6800 (XT) / 6900, Added Cuckoo-29, Cuckaroo-30 CTX, Cuckatoo-31 (MWC) and Cuckatoo-32 (Grin) for RX 6800 family of GPUs. faulty DNS entries. Added support for Beam Hash II on older AMD cards (R 9 200 / 300 4 & 8G cards; R9 280(X), HD 79x0 with 3G). Range is +/-40. Setting the parameter --maxdualimpact to 0 will now completely disable dual mining on this card. On most 8G GPUs this will cause the miner to select a smaller dataset table that has only slightly above 2 G. Therefore the alternative version might be a good choice for systems with connected screens or for Nexa / Zil mining using the Zil switching app. Please make sure the script can be executed with the current user rights / does password-less operations. Fixed a bug causing DNS over HTTPs to fail often. Re-worked default Ethash kernels for Pascal GPUs - improved their performance. The memory offset used for the GPUs. Needs super user or administrator privileges to work. Note 1: Every code update - in particular when so massive as here - may require re-tuning your oc & uv settings for ideal results and stability. Use --algo KASPA to mine it. Added the Nvidia 3060 "Unlocker" for Linux. Full hash rate cards will disable LHR detection latest one minute after --lhrwait has passed. Other Linux kernel versions and other GPUs are unchanged. impactfiesta. Added support for mining Alephium in non-dual mode for Nvidia Pascal GPUs and newer. Removed --ton-mode 2 from automatic detection (you still can request it explicitly) - will instead use mode 1 for existing and mode 6 for upcoming new stratum servers. Other cards - mostly Nvidia - just need a closing of the miner program - a few seconds wait time - and then are fine to get going again. Slight rework of Beam Hash III back end. Fixed a bug that may cause TLS connections not cleanly reconnecting after a connection loss, Implementing the new LHR scheme in Windows. (1), Fixed bug: Hashrate reporting not working on some pools (e.g. New feature: if Ethash pool disconnects within 2 seconds from connection attempt (immediate reconnect), then the other stratum mode is tested to login. Recommended driver: 512.15, Slightly improved initial speed after startup on 510.x & 512.x drivers allowing to reach best performance faster. The miner now should produce a valid DAG also at high overclock. Miners that do not have a card using the zombie mode can safely ignore this update - it will behave identical to 1.21. lolMiner 1.22 is a Linux only release that targets improvements of the performance of the zombie mode in the Linux specific code. "*" can be used to skip a card. Share difficulty doesn't affect miner rewards. Fixed benchmark mode for ETCHash. The dns resolving and the connection attempt can now timeout (after 10 seconds each) and will re-try to connect afterwards. 4G) and 15-20% on epoch 400. Fixed bug: Miner can crash after trying to reconnect to same pool over 5 minutes. The parameter --4g-alloc-size can now also be set for each card individually. Use --mode s to force it. Fixed a bug causing scattered defect shared on Nexa mining (all OS), Fixed a display bug when setting power limit on Nvidia GPUs saying the value is out of Range, although its fine. About the split mining This is at a cost of slightly slower mining directly after a height change, but generally improves poolside performance. The new zombie-tune parameter has only been tested with amdgpu-pro 20.30 and 20.40. Mining Flux, Beam, Equihash 144/5 and Equihash 192/7 will now display the iteration/s (it / s) for easier OC tuning and the pool sol/s calculated from submitted and accepted shares. (1) Note on watchdog use: When the watchdog script is called the miner will stop working on the other cards. Specify which action to take when a card is detected to be crashed. If your card is unstable or does not unlock try negative values. Ethash: Added error correcting tables to check the DAG integrity up to epoch 499 (Early June 2022). Fixed bug: Wavy hashrate - especially for rigs with many AMD Navi GPUs. Dual mining with Aleph & Ton is supported as well as doing ZIL dual mining. Fixed a bug with invalid shares in Pitcairn Ergo Zombie mode. If the number keeps too high after that point, lower the requested % value. Re: lolMiner 1.43: Real Eth + Ton dual mining - feel the spirit of 2017. Depending on configuration, the zombie mode now uses 0.5 to 1W less energy and is 0.2 to 0.4 mh/s faster. Follow these steps to check rejected type: Navigate to Rig Manager, Open rig details by clicking on the rig name, Scroll down and navigate to Mining History Stats graph, Change Showing Stats for All Algorithms to the desired algorithm. Added detection of the "fan glitch" for RTX 3000 LHR cards. Note: please do not use the new 515.x drivers - on them the unlock currently does not work. The parameter --disable-dag-verify was not working for OpenCL fired cards. lolMiner has only 0.7% fee on Ethash, 1.5% on Autolykos V2 and only 1%+0% fee on dual mining. Use --benchmark ETCHASH --benchepoch 390 to benchmark performance post fork. Usually the pool determines a difficulty number individual for every miner (most pools put 1024 as start diff to be Nicehash compatible), so thats nothing the mining software is responsible for - it just receives the values and needs to process them correctly. Kernel mode to mine on. Format for long statistics. This will overwrite the scoring function. Fixed a bug causing lolMiner not to start Kaspa mining on Nvidia GPUs when the Nvidia OpenCL installation on the system is broken. Further you can use --tmode edge/junction/memory to apply the scheme to edge (chip), junction (hotspot) or memory temperature. Added Ethash kernels for Fermi and Kepler GPUs. --zombie-tune 2,auto,0,auto will run the automatic tuning on the 2nd and 4th GPU while using fixed number 2 for first card and 0 for the 3rd one. Also when the miner is more then 2 hours stable on its current settings and a lock appears, the card will unlock again, but the tuning will not be reduced. (See note on release page). Added a new parameter --no-oc-reset to turn off the reset of overclock settings when ending the miner. Use --dualmode ALEPHDUAL to use it. Minimal temperature for a GPU to start in degree C. If set to 0 disables restart below a fixed temperature. Fixed a bug with the stratum for 125/4, 144/5, 192/7 and 96/5 in case the pool sends a very low job id. Also the new codes are now working much better when GPUs are power limited. . Keep away other work load from your GPU as e.g. Note: If your OS does not list lolMiner supporting Kaspa only mining yet, use the configuration for TON mining (cause temporarily we will accept --algo TON to mine Kaspa. Reduced Ton & Alephium fee in Eth+Ton / Ethash+Alephium dual mining to. Use --mode a (faster) --mode b (better energy efficiency). The share of adults ages 30 to 49 who hold this view has also risen from 42% in 2018 to 55% last year. Fixes the miner not working on current epoch on latest release and fixes the requirement to restart the miner on Ergo epoch change. (1). in some ETHOS configurations. Tested Intel OpenCL driver versions are 22.24.23453 and 22.32.23937. Edit: support for Fiji was broken, A fix can be found here: Fixed bug: Miner sometimes produces invalid shares when a new job with different epoch arrives while the miner is currently creating the DAG file for an earlier job. This rig will mine: (1) A big kudos to Flexpool for helping out with this. Download ready-made .bat files for lolMiner right now: beam-nicehash.bat. Applied potential fix for "address or port already in use" bug. The default value is 0, which disables the feature. If only a single card did crash and not the whole driver this means the other cards will continue mining. We recommend to not set the power limit. (1) Thanks to my Spanish mining community for letting me know and the help to track down this issue. The deal will see JPMorgan take on all of First Republic's $92 billion in deposits and buy most of its assets, including about $173 billion in loans and $30 billion in securities. Concretely this mode was build to mine ETCHASH on some GPUS while others stay on ETH. Better performance and less energy use for Radeon VII, Radeon Pro Duo Polaris, Vega Frontier and RX 570 16GByte, Added support for ZelHash (EquihashR 125/4/0) for the hard fork (July 2nd), Fixed a bug with some pool software (e.g. This works like --dualmode zil but with the ability to use --dualdevices to exclude GPUs from switching to ZIL. We still recommend to not put other load then mining during the calibration phase - after that is finished, the miner is more robust. "*" can be used to skip a card. Speed increase is about 8-8.5% on Nvidia Pascal GPUs, 4.5-5% on Nvidia Turing and Ampere GPUs and 3-4% on AMD Navi and Big Navi GPUs, Beta feature: added options to set core clock offset (. Fixed multiple issues that caused the miner not to properly reconnect when it took too many attempts. Supported GPUs: Nvidia Turing & Ampere generation, AMD Polaris (RX 400, 500), Navi and Big Navi generations. Improved Nexa performance on Nvidia Ada based gpus by approximately 25% on locked memory clock (5000) and about 8% on unlocked memory. The world is full of difficult personalities, but it's nearly impossible to avoid narcissists. Added parameter --statsformat to use custom format for the bigger statistic box. lolMiner is a multi algorithm Ethash / Autolykos2 / Beam & Grin miner with focus on AMD/Nvidia GPUs (OpenCL. All rewards would go to the single share holder and essentially you invented a long complex round about way of solo mining. Separate worker name for the 2nd connection. This will do nothing except for printing a message. ETP + ZIL), General stability improvements (resolved many potential miner hangs up causes), Changed color scheme in Windows for Ethash mining (new jobs are now white, accepted shares green). Miners that do not have a card using the zombie mode can safely ignore this update - it will behave identical to 1.21. Most of them will only work for small epoch Eth forks. Fixed a bug in Ethash stratum when mining with Nicehash protocol on some pools not sticking 100% close to protocol. These will now automatically separate the string at the given position, so the thing after a . RX 580) while others optimize for more Eth hash rate (e.g. Added parameters --dualtls and --dualworker to toggle TLS and the worker name for the dual connection. Using SHA-256 ( f) as an example, let's say a Mining Pool sets a Share Difficulty of 1,000,000 for the Miner. (b) Optimization target were AMD GCN 3 cards with 4G of memory like RX 470, 560, lolMiner Windos and Linux. Temperature to pause or stop a GPU from mining in degree C. If set to 0 disables stop above a fixed temperature. When doing ZIL make sure --enablezilcache is used on all the LHR cards, because the re-calibration is needed on every hard epoch change. If a GPU does not have the required sensors the chip temperature will be used as a back up - if no sensors are available at all the parameters will be ignored. API now also gives the worker name on Ethash, Ton and Alephium mining. Otherwise, the miner cannot choose the parameters for it and constantly . This is because the current implementation will start throwing invalid shares at some point and also going too slow to be worth using it any more. Additionally the OpenCL driver of Nvidia cards sometimes crashes with a CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCE error - this is rather a software then a hardware thing and will be fixed soon. Modified LHR auto tuning to use finer steps (0.2 instead of 1). Pool configuration for extra connection, Format : Username or wallet address for the extra connection, Password for the extra connection (Optional). Reactivated support for Beam Hash I including support for personalization strings. This is work in progress. Fixed a bug with the BEAM stratum back end in case of formatted job descriptions (e.g. The actual improvement depends on the concretely selected dual factor. Better performance of LHR semi-unlock, about 70%+ on GDDR6x cards (3070 Ti & 3080 (Ti) ), about 71-72%+ on GDDR6 (3060 (Ti) & 3070), 81%+ on 3060 LHR V1 with the right drivers (earlier then 460.39).

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found a share of difficulty lolminer

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